Vets&Clinics has launched an online Nutritional Advisor that allows you to select the best formula for each cat or dog according to their particular needs. The tool is aimed at veterinary staff (VCAs or veterinary surgeons) who want to offer the best advice to their pet-owning clients.
Parvoviruses are single-stranded DNA viruses responsible for causing disease in various mammalian species. They require host cells for their development, only attacking those cells that develop and replicate rapidly, such as intestinal crypt cells, haematopoietic precursor cells in bone marrow and cardiomyocytes.1
As mentioned above, the main cause of feline miliary dermatitis is flea bite hypersensitivity. Some cats become extremely sensitive to fleas and a single bite can be enough to cause a quite severe skin reaction. This skin condition is more likely to develop in cats that live in warm climates.
Conjunctivitis in dogs is inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is a clear, thin membrane that covers part of the front surface of the eye and inner surface of the eyelids. It acts as a physical and physiological barrier against microorganisms and foreign bodies, besides contributing to ocular immune defence.