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Semintra for cats Slowing chronic kidney disease.
Chronic kidney failure is a common problem in elderly cats. Semintra, a medicinal product containing telmisartan as active substance, is used to treat arterial hypertension and reduce proteinuria in cats, thereby slowing the progression of this disease.
Diarrhoea in dogs: when should and when shouldn’t antibiotics be used?
Diarrhoea in dogs is a very common sign seen in most gastrointestinal diseases. The clinical picture and treatment of diarrhoea in dogs will depend on the aetiology of each case and the use of antibiotics must follow some specific indications. Let’s have a look at each case.
Gastritis in dogs and its relationship with helicobacter
The main symptoms of gastritis in dogs are vomiting and abdominal pain. Acute gastritis is nearly always associated with the intake of harmful substances. If not treated correctly, the acute form can evolve into chronic gastritis, which causes long-term damage in the form of atrophy of the mucosa. Other causes of chronic gastritis in dogs are infections (bacterial, viral, etc.) cancer, kidney disorders, liver disease and food allergies.
Leishmaniasis in dogs: treatment with marbofloxacin and its efficacy.
Dogs develop leishmaniasis when they are infected by a protozoon from the Leishmania genus which is transmitted by the bite of its vector, mosquitos. It is prevalent in the Mediterranean region, where the predominant species is Leishmania infantum.
Renal failure in dogs after ingestion of raisins or grapes
The ingestion of grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs due to their toxicity. Clinical signs such as diarrhoea, vomiting, lethargy and renal alterations appear after their ingestion. The prognosis varies from case to case, but is often unfavourable, especially when accompanied by signs such as oliguria or anuria.
Advance Veterinary Diets Renal for dogs
During their lifetimes, dogs can suffer from various kidney diseases. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the most common problem affecting the excretory system. To help dogs with such problems, Advance has developed ADVANCE VETERINARY DIETS RENAL, a dry dog food designed specially to treat CKD.
Calcium oxalate stone formation and dietary factors
Urolithiasis, which is the formation of sediments composed of poorly soluble crystalloids, is a common problem in dogs. The four most common minerals found in dog uroliths are magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite), calcium oxalate, ammonium urate and cystine.
What is the correct diet to complement treatment for leishmaniasis?
The spectrum of diseases caused by Leishmania produce inflammatory and immune-mediated lesions in several organs, notably interstitial nephritis, dermatitis, chronic hepatitis and keratoconjunctivitis, among others. There is no cure for leishmaniasis, but it can be controlled. The prognosis is worse in animals with kidney failure.
Diabetes in cats: do these patients have a greater risk of heart failure?
Diabetes in cats is a disorder that affects insulin regulation which can lead to hyperglycaemia. It is caused by insufficient insulin secretion from the beta-cells of islets of Langerhans found in the pancreas. It can develop due to amyloidosis, which is the accumulation of amylin in the pancreas, or insulin resistance.
Diabetes in cats: management and possible consequences
Diabetes can be classified as insulin-dependent (IDDM) or non-insulin-dependent (NIDDM) diabetes mellitus. IDDM is characterised by hypoinsulinaemia, a lack of insulin secretion after administering glucose, the need for treatment with insulin and the tendency to develop ketoacidosis. Diabetes has a multifactorial aetiology that is influenced by genetics, breed, immune-mediated factors, acute pancreatitis (rare) and amyloid deposition in islet cells (which is relatively common in cats).
Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema in cats: radiographic appearance
Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema in cats is the result of increased alveolar capillary pressure within the context of heart failure. Heart failure is a condition with a broad spectrum of clinical signs as the mechanism causing the heart failure may lie in various different structures and areas of the heart.
Hypopigmentation or vitiligo in dogs. What is vitiligo?
Vitiligo is characterised by the complete absence of melanocytes, with a normal dermis and epidermis. It has an unknown aetiology and courses asymptomatically. Some of the proposed aetiologies include an autoimmune, toxic or nervous origin triggered by a virus (for more information on dermatology see this Affinity Advance Clinical Report).
Advance Veterinary Diets Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that can have a significant effect on a dog’s quality of life. Dietary control is a particularly important factor in the management of diabetes. That is why Advance has developed Advance Veterinary Diets Diabetes, which helps control diabetes in dogs.
Vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs are more prevalent in the summer
Routines change during the holidays, with different meals, heat and long outdoor walks, during which dogs tend to eat more grass and plants than usual. A common outcome is the appearance of abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting and increased frequency of defecation.
Vaginal prolapse: a brief description
The main difference between vaginal prolapse and vaginal hyperplasia lies in the amount of externalised vaginal tissue. In vaginal hyperplasia, only some of the tissue is swollen and is confined to the ventral part of the vagina. The swelling is much more extensive in vaginal prolapse and the mucosa protrudes outwards.
Cystitis in dogs: X-ray or ultrasound diagnosis?
The term urinary tract infection refers to colonisation of areas of the urinary system (kidneys, ureters, bladder and proximal urethra) by an infectious agent under normal sterile conditions. Most cases of urinary tract infection occur in isolation, but some dogs can develop recurrent signs.
Vomiting blood in dogs: what are the possible causes?
Vomiting blood (or haematemesis) is a relatively common clinical sign seen in dogs, with numerous causes of varying severity. This places even greater importance on making the correct differential diagnosis, ruling out the most likely diseases one at a time until the definitive cause has been determined.