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    Nutritional Advisor: a service to help select the ideal food for each pet

    Vets&Clinics has launched an online Nutritional Advisor that allows you to select the best formula for each cat or dog according to their particular needs. The tool is aimed at veterinary staff (VCAs or veterinary surgeons) who want to offer the best advice to their pet-owning clients. 

    Analysis of specific needs

    Did you know that the Nutritional Advisor developed by Vets&Clinics for its website assesses the particular condition of each pet to offer the most suitable product from its range of brands?

    Learn the connection between obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes in our free research report about obesity and overweight in cats

    In just a few clicks and by answering a handful of questions, without having to register or leave any personal data, this online tool will guide you towards the most appropriate food for each animal, suggesting personalised recommendations for each of your patients.

    Our Nutritional Advisor weighs up basic data such as species, sex, weight, age, breed and whether or not the animal is sterilised, it can also consider any special needs and even diseases. For female pets, users can choose from maintenance diets or diets designed for pregnant or lactating animals.

    nutritional advisor

    Diseases are also covered

    Some of the groups of diseases in cats and dogs that can be selected in the Nutritional Advisor include the following, among others:

    • Gastrointestinal (diarrhoea, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.).
    • Renal (kidney failure).
    • Urinary (urinary stones).
    • Endocrinological (e.g., diabetes).
    • Hepatic.
    • Joint disorders.
    • Immunological (e.g., food sensitivity or atopy, or even low defences).
    • Obesity or tendency toward being overweight

    Range of products to choose from

    As the Nutritional Advisor provides completely personalised advice, when there are several alternatives, you can select preferences regarding the type of food, for example, with respect to the production method or technology used: dry, wet or freeze dried.

    As for the food’s composition as a natural product, the advisor provides options for other specific characteristics, such as:

    • its formulation (no gluten or cereals, with cereals, etc.); and 
    • even the natural ingredients available: chicken, turkey, duck, salmon, etc.

    The diets recommended by the advisor are indicative and depend on the accuracy of the data entered into the questionnaire, so, if the user is a pet owner, we always recommend consulting with the veterinary professional who can detect any contraindications. 

    Detailed information on each food

    Once the recommended pet foods have been suggested, the Nutritional Advisor will display basic information about the products including the daily quantity of food based on the animal’s weight, its ingredients and nutritional breakdown and a general description of the pets for whom it is recommended. The information is always accompanied by a link to the product web page which contains further details.

    The recommended foods are always made from high-quality ingredients and belong to the Advance, Natural Trainer and Nature’s Variety brands. The daily amount should be split into two doses, one in the morning and one in the evening, accompanied by plenty of fresh water.  

    • Advance diets have been developed by experts to help boost the defences of cats and dogs. The different ranges include specific veterinary diets for animals with certain illnesses and generic diets with the exclusive Active Defence formula, composed of natural polyphenols and immunoglobulins that contribute to the correct immune system function.
    • On the other hand, Nature’s Variety is a specialised range of natural foods, with ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers while always respecting the nutrient content, producing healthy, tasty and balanced diets. Besides the dry and wet food ranges, we also have freeze-dried products that seal in the nutrients’ quality for even longer.


    The Vets & Clinics Nutritional Advisor is an online tool that helps define the best food for our pets, according to their individual features and needs. The end result suggests up to four, if applicable, different foods with their technical characteristics for vets to compare. Users can also share the selected proposal, i.e., the recommended food, via WhatsApp. If the user of the Nutritional Advisor is a pet owner, rather than a veterinary professional, then we strongly suggest you confirm the suitability of the recommended diet or food with your local vet.



    RR obesity and overweight in cats