As cats age, they suffer a decline in their ability to digest and absorb macro- and micronutrients, including cobalamin (or vitamin B12). A direct relationship between suboptimal concentrations of blood cobalamin has been reported in cats with GI disorders, with these low levels being very prevalent in senior cats.
Diarrhoea and vomiting are very persistent clinical signs that affect a lot of dogs and their treatment tends to be frustrating for the patient, owner and veterinary surgeon because it is often hard to identify the underlying aetiology.
Canine infectious rhinotracheitis, or more commonly known as kennel cough, is a highly contagious disease of the upper respiratory system that can affect dogs of all ages, either individually or more seriously in populations where a lot of animals live together. Transmission is through direct contact or via the airborne route, which is why it is such a problem when several dogs live in close proximity.
Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis, of variable evolution, caused by a saprophytic fungus. All forms of sporotrichosis are caused by the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, which is considered a dimorphic fungus, that is, it develops in mycelial form in the environment or in vitro at temperatures of 25–28 °C, and as a yeast in vitro or in vivo at 37 °C.
The first case presented by Eloy Castilla features a 16-month-old male English Setter with a 5‑day history of itchy skin lesions located around the nasal bridge. The patient had previously been seen for the same reason and was prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. The case’s evolution was complicated, and the lesions developed an ulcerative pattern. This indicated that the lesions were affecting the deepest layers of the dermis and not just superficial. The rest of the clinical examination revealed the patient had fever and retromandibular and popliteal lymphadenopathies. Upon exploring further, lesions were also found in the ears, scrotum and abdomen.
Thoracentesis is a technique that allows the extraction of fluid from the pleural cavity in order to diagnose the cause and/or alleviate the symptoms of a pleural effusion, such as respiratory compromise or an infection, and to avoid complications.